Tactics Used By Cheap Domain Registrars You Need To Be Aware Of

Like a web hosting service, a domain name is an extremely important element of your website. It supports a stronger online presence and better user experience. But before you buy a domain name of your choice, let us understand a few of the tactics used by cheap domain registrars. If you are planning to buy a domain name for your website, keep reading.

Tactics Used By Domain Registrars That You Should Be Aware Of

  • Hidden Fees

Hidden fees can come in many ways. For instance, the registrar may add auto-renewal fees to the fine print. This way, they charge you for the long term and make you bound to their service. 

Another very common tactic is charging high transfer fees, which are over and above the initial cost you paid for getting the domain name. These may actually be two or three times more expensive.

  • Rising Prices After Earlier Discounts

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Things to Know Before Buying a Business

Things to Know Before Buying a Business

Not everyone who has always dreamed of owning their business has enough raw ideas to start the company on. It’s like they know they’ll be a kiss-ass automotive entrepreneur but still don’t know the first thing about starting an innovative car business. There is an available option to buy a business that is already thriving in the market. At Honest Loans, we teach our clients all there is to know about acquiring a business before getting it.

May I erase this misconception from your thoughts; that if a business is put up for sale then there’s something wrong with its structure. That’s just something most friends will tell you to get you boxed into a corner or a phrase you’ll tell yourself to stop “You” from taking that bold step. Think of it this way, wouldn’t you want to be that new owner who launched that business into a … Read the rest

Navigating Trading Fees: Maximizing Profits in the Financial Markets – Kavan Choksi


Trading in the financial markets offers the promise of lucrative returns, but it also comes with costs in the form of trading fees. These fees, charged by brokers or exchanges, can significantly impact traders’ profitability. As such, understanding and effectively managing trading fees are essential skills for successful traders. In this article, we will explore strategies to navigate trading fees and maximize profits in the financial markets. Here is what Kavan Choksi has to say.

1. Know Your Fee Structure

Before diving into trading, it’s crucial to understand the fee structure of your chosen broker or exchange. Trading fees can vary significantly between platforms, and the structure may differ based on the asset class you are trading, such as stocks, options, or cryptocurrencies. Common types of trading fees include commission fees, spreads, and transaction fees.

2. Compare Brokerages

Choosing the right brokerage can make a significant difference in trading Read the rest

Thriving in Turbulence: Harnessing Resilience and Innovation for Business Success – Kavan Choksi


Turbulent times are a litmus test for businesses, pushing them to the brink of uncertainty. However, turbulent periods also present opportunities for innovation, growth, and resilience. Successful businesses navigate through these challenges by harnessing their adaptability and creativity. In this article, we will explore the fresh perspective of Kavan Choksi

1. Embrace the Power of Resilience

Resilience is the cornerstone of thriving in turbulent times. Cultivate a resilient mindset within your organization, promoting a culture that embraces change and learns from setbacks. Encourage your team to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to bounce back stronger from adversities.

2. Foster a Culture of Innovation

Innovation is a driving force that propels businesses forward during turbulence. Encourage creativity and out-of-the-box thinking among your employees. Create platforms for ideation and experimentation, allowing innovative ideas to take root and flourish.

3. Customer Empathy and Engagement

Empathy towards your customers is Read the rest

Understanding The Pros And Cons Of Refinansiering Av Gjeld (Refinancing Of Debt)

Understanding The Pros And Cons Of Refinansiering Av Gjeld (Refinancing Of Debt)

Statistics have it that a higher percentage of people are in debt these days than in times past. There are a number of reasons why people get in the ‘bondage’ of debt; these reasons range from high interest rates to unforeseen financial crisis. Sometimes it is also due to the lack of discipline of the borrower. 

Whatever the reason for the debt, the good news is that one can always get out of it. There are a number of ways through which one can dig oneself out of the pit of debt, one of those ways is refinancing of debts. 

In this article, we will help you understand what the concept is all about and the pros and cons; stay with us for more details. 

What Is Debt Refinancing? 

Some people confuse debt refinancing with debt consolidation but they are not the same thing. The former involves getting a new Read the rest