Like a web hosting service, a domain name is an extremely important element of your website. It supports a stronger online presence and better user experience. But before you buy a domain name of your choice, let us understand a few of the tactics used by cheap domain registrars. If you are planning to buy a domain name for your website, keep reading.
Tactics Used By Domain Registrars That You Should Be Aware Of
Hidden Fees
Hidden fees can come in many ways. For instance, the registrar may add auto-renewal fees to the fine print. This way, they charge you for the long term and make you bound to their service.
Another very common tactic is charging high transfer fees, which are over and above the initial cost you paid for getting the domain name. These may actually be two or three times more expensive.
Rising Prices After Earlier Discounts
Cheap domain registrars may offer heavily discounted purchases first and charge you heavily during renewal to cover that initial cost.
Sometimes, they even bind you by offering you multi-year contracts with these discounts. Multi-layer contracts work great when you have a genuine domain registrar, but with cheap ones, you might get trapped with bad service and support.
Charging High for WHOIS Privacy
WHOIS allows access to a domain owner’s information when they register their domain. So, needless to say, enabling WHOIS privacy is crucial to protecting your personal information.
Many domain registrars offer WHOIS privacy for a small fee. However, cheap domain registrars tend to up-charge you for this service.
Cheap domain registrars usually target you by bombarding you with advertisements. They also aim to combine domain with hosting or vice versa, so you get everything from one place, which is usually not the case in most cases. Such providers try to sell you domains by enticing you with unrelated services.
High-Priced Addons for Support
Many times, these cheap domain registrars charge you extra for support or only provide rapid support at an additional cost. They might even ban access to certain portions of your domain account unless you pay for the annual subscription.
This may not be the case when you choose a reputable domain provider, as such providers prioritise support without any extra fees.
How to Avoid and Spot Cheap Domain Registrars?
Remember, not all domain registrars try to manipulate you. There are many trusted names where you can easily get a cheap domain name with no hidden costs. Reputed providers won’t try to trick you with fine print, nor will they try to sell you services that you don’t need.
Here’s a list of questions that will help you avoid and spot cheap domain registrars –
- How much is the domain and how much does it cost to renew? – Check and add up the price of the domain, including renewal and extra charges. Does that sound like a fair price?
- Is customer support free or charged?
- Can the provider enable WHOIS domain name privacy, and what is the cost?
- Can you find customer reviews online? – No reviews are a red flag.
Be careful when you choose a cheap domain registrar, as cheap doesn’t always mean a discounted price. Domains are extremely important, helping to support your online visibility while ensuring a good user experience.
So when you choose a registrar, ensure they provide the services and support you need. Don’t compromise on any of the above points, and don’t shy away from asking all the required questions.