The start of a new year is an exhilarating time, no doubt. There is always a feeling of anticipation about what we are about to embark on. A lot of experts suspect it is the feeling that people have the power to make significant changes and start a new page for the year. There are a lot of possibilities, and a lot can be achieved in one year. We are assuming that you want to achieve success in your career by the very fact you are reading this article.
By the end of this article, people will have a clear view of success in 2021. Don’t get us wrong, the tips right here are not like a cure-all, magical silver bullet that can replace the old and dependable hard work, but it can help provide people with ideas of what to focus on to get the most out of everything the industry can offer. After all, the number one reason for failure is focusing on the wrong things at the wrong time.
This article will help people avoid the black hole that a lot of newcomers make. Some individuals like to say that producing a piece of good music is an art of its own, but that art is just one of the many facets of this business. Other actions are pretty crucial if beginners are to succeed with their music this year.
Step one: Determine what success means for your career
First and foremost, define and decide what success in this business in 2021 means to you; otherwise, you will not be able to check and monitor your progress. Success may vary depending on the person, and the idea of success will change and shift. Only that person can decide what they want to happen in their career. Write down what success means to you in a place where you can see it regularly.
Set a reasonable goal or goals that can support your idea of success
Once people know what success means to them, they need to set a reasonable goal or goals to support their idea of success. They need to make it bigger than what they are comfortable with, but not too big that they do not believe it is possible, or their idea is too crazy for them.
For example, if a person has just started in the industry, they need to realize that they cannot play in music festivals like Coachella or Burning Man within six months. Similarly, people need to avoid setting a goal of touring the country or the world just because that is the pinnacle of most people’s production success.
It is hard work, and it comes hand in hand with sacrifices and downsides. Again, beginners need to write down their goals, if possible, read them daily (as soon as they wake up in the morning). Experts believe that the fewer goals people have, the more likely they are to succeed.
Create a strong incentive, and always ask why you are doing this
People will get bashers and haters. They will get criticized for their work, from people they don’t know, from their inner circle, even from themselves, whether they are good or bad. It can be disheartening and tiring, but having a good and robust reason will keep beginners going through hard times. It does not matter if it is pretty selfish. People needs to be completely honest with themselves.
Visit https://medium.com/@malu_14611/the-evolution-of-music-festivals-and-the-power-of-an-experience-f98be2b9a5c1 to find out more about the history of music festivals.
Practice more, work more
It is easy to say but harder to do. The best intentions in the world can fizzle out after a couple of days, weeks, or months. How to overcome this problem? Make sure to plan the work and work the plan. Timetable the production, education, and networking time in your calendar, to make an excellent timetable, workflow, and routine.
Creative stimulation
Not much to say about this topic, other than if people are going to hit their goals in 2021, they need to have a regular dose of stimulation and inspiration to keep them excited and create an enjoyable atmosphere. That is why it is imperative to listen to different kinds of music, check other forms of art, get out, have fun, love, and live. Sitting in front of your computer or television set will not get your creative juices flowing. Make sure to keep a finger on your genre’s pulse because it will provide you unique and innovative ideas.
Collection of raw materials
As with most arts, beginners need raw materials to start with them. What are the most common raw materials in this business? A digital audio workstation, a good computer, soft synthesizers, samples, creativity, and time. A stock digital audio workstation plugin can create some unique and quality sounds.
While having shitty pieces will make everyone’s life pretty difficult, beginners do not need the latest sample pack to design mind-blowing and world-class music. Grabbing some fresh and new patches or samples for inspiration can help, but please do not make the mistake of thinking that a new digital audio workstation, plugin, or sample pack before turning something good is everything. People just need to learn how to maximize and take advantage of what they have at the moment.
Whether beginners are trying to find out how to make a specific effect or sound on YouTube, learning how to sell and market themselves, or signing up for a specialized music production course, setting aside their time to learn a new skill is very important if they want to achieve the success they are planning to accomplish in 2021. If they do not need new skills to achieve these goals, there is a big chance that their goals are not big enough. Continuous learning has the bonus of keeping people’s interest level up.
If individuals are not learning new skills or improving previous ones, they will plateau and eventually get tired of producing quality music. It has happened to a lot of professionals, and it happens to everyone at some point in their career. The good news is, it can be improved. Committing to getting better, and most importantly, getting a continuous education is the key.